Mufasa: The Lion King continues the iconic The Lion King franchise in the photo-realistic live-action format. This Disney Holiday blockbuster serves as the origin tale of Mufasa. It follows his ...
“Mufasa” picks up after the events of “The Lion King” as Rafiki tells the story ... See a full breakdown of the “Mufasa” cast in the list below.
The follow-up movie to the 2019 live action remake of The Lion King has put in a solid performance at the box office so far.
Despite Jenkins’ valiant efforts to infuse the story with visual grace and thematic weight, the film ultimately feels like another Disney product designed more for franchise expansion than for storyte ...
ABC News’ Linsey Davis speaks with "Mufasa: The Lion King" stars Aaron Pierre, Tiffany Boone, and Kelvin Harrison Jr. about Mufasa and Taka’s origins, and Sarabi’s role in shaping the Pride.
(Disney) Jenkins approach to Mufasa: The Lion King was appreciated by all the cast, with Harrison Jr calling him a "genius" of the craft. "It's so refreshing to find someone who is stepping into a ...
The Lion King has a star-studded cast including Donald Glover and Beyoncé. It saw the reprisal of James Earl Jones as Mufasa, and it retold the story of Simba with beautiful new visuals ...