詹姆斯合作的另一位知名人士是Stevie Wonder。这位杰出的艺术家在他的无线麦克风上使用了MTP W9振膜,并且在他的三个独立键盘站上分别配备了三支MTP W950有线麦克风。此外,他的六位背景歌手(background singer)的无线麦克风也使用了W9振膜。
The MTP W950 microphone consists of the W9 condenser capsule which can unscrew and be mounted on a ... [+] wireless unit for untethered singing. Lewitt thinks it’s possible and it has made a ...
The Lewitt Connect 2 is just such a product ... The Connect 2 is a compact and affordable audio interface with an XLR microphone input and a Hi-Z input for a keyboard or guitar.
Lewitt Connect 2: What is it ... around a main dial with options to adjust levels for monitors, headphones, the mic and ...