An American comedic horror film series centered around a malevolent and murderous leprechaun, who, when his gold is taken from him, resorts to any means necessary to reclaim it.
A power-hungry Leprechaun holds a beautiful princess captive on a distant planet as part of his plan to rule the universe, but his plans are altered by the arrival of a rescue ship filled with ...
An American comedic horror film series centered around a malevolent and murderous leprechaun, who, when his gold is taken from him, resorts to any means necessary to reclaim it.
When three struggling rappers rip off the Leprechaun's magic flute to help them become superstars, the devilish little man awakens from a long slumber to exact a bloody revenge on the bumbling trio.
During his 2024 U.S. election campaign trail four months ago ... You a jealous little leprechaun @TheNotoriousMMA." It's no secret that Dana White shares a close relationship with Donald Trump ...