Join our liquidity pool and earn passive income!” But here’s the sad secret – most liquidity providers (LPs) lose money. Why?
为解决 LPS 诱导巨噬细胞线粒体超氧化物产生机制不明等问题,英国研究人员开展相关研究。结果发现其由反向电子传递驱动,且 RET 产生的 mtROS 调节 IL-1β 释放。该研究对理解巨噬细胞免疫功能意义重大,推荐一读。 在人体的免疫系统中,巨噬细胞可是个 ...
TrueBridge explores impactful trends in the venture industry, synthesizing the greatest takeaways from the past year and offering a glimpse into what’s ahead.