在电子竞技的世界中,总有些瞬间让人惊叹,也有些时刻让人倍感沮丧。最近,LOL职业战队Puff队的一则新闻引发了不少关注:队内辅助Heart被教练当众狂喷,原因直接指向其在比赛中的发挥。作为一名经验丰富但是已近而立之年的老将,Heart的表现饱受争议。我们走进这件事情背后,深入分析Puff队的现状,以及职业游戏的竞争和挑战。 事件发生在一场激烈的职业联赛中,此役Puff队的表现令人失望,最终输给了对 ...
Riot Games has unveiled Heartsteel, a new virtual League of Legends-themed band similar to Pentakill and K/DA. Heartsteel features League of Legends champions Ezreal (vocalist), Kayn (rapper ...
LoL has debuted its latest in-house band made up of champions, you can get your first listen to Hearsteel with “Paranoia” now. Heartsteel is the new boy band along the lines of Pentakill or K/DA.