The boys outline the 5 Ks and what they signify. They are Kara, Kachera, Kirpan, Khalsa ... explains the importance of the Sikh holy book, the Guru Granth Sahib.
However, many Sahajdahri Sikhs often wear some or all of the five Ks too. The five Ks are ... It also reminds them not to commit adultery. Kirpan Small sword Sikhs carry around this small sword ...
In a letter to Minister Rammohan Naidu, AVM and FAI wrote: "We write to bring to your urgent attention the difficulties Sikh passengers and employees are encountering at Indian airports, including ...
Sikh passengers flying internationally, especially from Amritsar and Delhi airports, have alleged that they are being barred from carrying kirpan and khanda necklaces on board. Multiple such ...
Sikh passengers boarding planes from Indian airports ... have been barred from carrying kirpan and khanda necklaces, a key article of faith for Amritdhari... The Tribune, now published from ...
Sikh students in New South Wales schools to be allowed to carry a ‘kirpan’ (an article of the Sikh faith) on their person under a set of conditions mutually agreed upon by the government ...