Kenyan comedy comes from far way back before Churchill ... Spanning nearly three decades, the show had household names among them Hiram Muigai (Ondiek Nyuka Kwota), Mathias Keya (Makokha), Lucy ...
Kenyan comedy comes from far way back before Churchill ... Spanning nearly three decades, the show had household names among them Hiram Muigai (Ondiek Nyuka Kwota), Mathias Keya (Makokha), Lucy ...
For most, it’s stand-up comedy or social media skits. So, the announcement of a new Kenyan comedy feature film immediately piqued my interest. In a landscape where humour often relies on tribal ...
Africa Live: Updates from across the continent Why some Kenyans still deny coronavirus exists Kenyan ... of TV comedy - who took over from the iconic characters of long-running shows like Vitimbi ...
These colourful characters among others made for hilarious comedy episode after ... since become familiar faces in Kenya, gracing commercials, hosting radio shows and making millions in the ...