TV sketch show BBC One 1981 - 1988 44 episodes (5 series) Biopic comedy drama about the life of comedian Kenny Everett, as told with the help of his famous characters such as Sid Snot and Cupid Stunt.
Kenney Everett's 1970s sci-fi serial starring the world's most fabulous starship captain and his assistants, the voluptuous Carla and possibly Nazi boffin Dr von Gitfinger ...
Selection Box: Broadcast on the anniversary of Kenny Everett's birthday (25th December 1944), a fun-filled, humorous celebration of his talent. Show more Broadcast on the anniversary of Kenny ...
This week's episode looks at Kenny Everett, a creative and technical genius who was light years ahead of his ... Whether he was playing one of his outrageous characters or just being himself on a chat ...