FiscalNote Holdings, Inc.(NYSE:NOTE)总裁兼首席执行官Josh Resnik近期出售了该公司3,799股A类普通股。根据 InvestingPro 分析,该股票目前的交易价格低于其公允价值。这些股票以平均每股1.2153美元的价格售出,交易总额约为4,616美元。此次出售是为了支付与9,722个限制性股票单位解禁相关的税务义务,这是此前制定的Rule ...
New York moneyman Izzy Englander, the 77-year-old CEO of Millennium Management, earned $4 billion in 2024, making him last year’s top-earning hedge-fund manager, according to Bloomberg. The financial ...
The technology-oriented investor out of New York has no doubt the plan would "destroy shareholder value" and "significantly damage" VMWare, wrote Josh Resnick, managing member of the firm that ...
Joshua Resnick lead chef, operations manager, and chef-Instructor, Culinary Arts at the Institute of Culinary Education. Related: The 23 Best Side Dishes to Serve with Steak The first thing to ...