whom Jesus had raised from the dead (John 12:1). While tarrying there, in the house of Lazarus, many of those who had accompanied Him on the way from Jericho managed to reach Jerusalem and spread the ...
However, as we see Jesus enter Jerusalem he is revealing his identity as Messiah. This is because he knows he has come to the end of his ministry. He makes a grand entrance into the city on a ...
However, as we see Jesus enter Jerusalem he is revealing his identity as Messiah. This is because he knows he has come to the end of his ministry. He makes a grand entrance into the city on a ...
Jesus apparently at some point makes the ... If you were a pilgrim coming to Jerusalem in these days you would walk through the streets of this magnificent city, many of which are crowded.
And especially once you come to Jerusalem, and we have Jesus confronting the priests of Jerusalem and the cleansing of the Temple scene, it's hard to figure out exactly what all of this means.
Today many pilgrims come to this grove of olive trees outside the walls of Jerusalem to remember the darkest night of Jesus’ life. From its odd perch the church offers a stunning view of the ...
Jesus turning to them said, "Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me, but weep for yourselves and for your children. For behold, the days are coming when they will say, ‘Blessed are the ...