The show, originally broadcast between 1962 and 1987, was re-booted in 1994 and hosted by journalist Jeremy Paxman until 2023, when he stepped down. The fiery broadcaster, known for his sharp ...
Jeremy Paxman is to step down as host of TV quiz University Challenge after more than 28 years. The former Newsnight presenter became just the second host of the long-running show in 1994 ...
Broadcaster Jeremy Paxman has revealed he has been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. The former Newsnight presenter said he was receiving "excellent" treatment and that his symptoms are ...
To mark World Parkinson’s Day, former broadcaster Jeremy Paxman has delivered a list of recommendations for improving how the disease is managed in the UK to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.
Jeremy Paxman, who was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in 2021, has said Parkinson’s disease “makes you wish you hadn’t been born” ...
Dan Snow:Let's join Jeremy Paxman to find out how that could possibly be the case. Jeremy Paxman:The war took a heavy toll on the upper classes. Many of their sons were quick to volunteer.
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Rajan will remain as one of the presenters of BBC Radio 4's Today programme Amol Rajan will take over from Jeremy Paxman as the host of University Challenge, the BBC has announced. The journalist ...
Book of the Week. Jeremy Paxman's social history of coal mining in Britain tells the stories of engineers and industrialists, but focuses particularly on the miners themselves.
Jeremy Paxman said Parkinson's "makes you wish you hadn't been born" as he delivered a list of recommendations about the disease to Downing Street. The TV presenter, who was diagnosed in 2021 ...
As Jack Black looks unrecognisable, can you guess celebs by their beard? ACTOR Jack Black appeared on kids’ TV channel CBeebies to read stories last week – and might have been mistaken for ...