SEMBOKU, Akita Prefecture—Bukemaru, a beloved Akita Inu who charmed visitors from around the world, died of old age in the Kakunodatemachi district here, an area known as “little Kyoto.” ...
We’ve shined the spotlight on two types of Inu breeds–the Akita and Shiba. But there are more types of Japanese inu breeds–6 ...
The Akita Inu is a large breed originating in Akita Prefecture. It became the first Japanese dog designated as a special natural treasure in 1931. The breed is popular for its loyalty to its ...
In summer 2012, Putin received a present of an Akita-Inu dog puppy - the breed well known due to the Kachiko movie - from Governor of Japan’s Akita Prefecture Norihisa Satake TOKYO, December 3.
The cream white Akita Inu, born 100 years ago ... And the Chinese iteration - the third after a Japanese version in 1987, and the Richard Gere-starrer in 2009 - is a hit at the box office.