SEMBOKU, Akita Prefecture—Bukemaru, a beloved Akita Inu who charmed visitors from around the world, died of old age in the Kakunodatemachi district here, an area known as “little Kyoto.” ...
The Akita Inu is a large breed originating in Akita Prefecture. It became the first Japanese dog designated as a special natural treasure in 1931. The breed is popular for its loyalty to its ...
In summer 2012, Putin received a present of an Akita-Inu dog puppy - the breed well known due to the Kachiko movie - from Governor of Japan’s Akita Prefecture Norihisa Satake TOKYO, December 3.
The cream white Akita Inu, born 100 years ago ... And the Chinese iteration - the third after a Japanese version in 1987, and the Richard Gere-starrer in 2009 - is a hit at the box office.