In ancient Japan, that uncanny "something" was thought to be "yokai," ghouls and hobgoblins ... Q: How about "tengu" (bird-like goblins with wings and beaks)? A: In ancient times, tengu referred ...
In this episode of YOKAI: Exploring Japanese Folklore, we track down the legend of the ferocious Ushioni, a Yokai with the hulking body of a bull and an ogre-like face. In certain regions of Ehime ...
Kunio Yanagita, a scholar and folklorist who has been called the father of Japanese folklore studies, was born in this town of 20,000 people. The town has striking statues of Yokai ( supernatural ...
What do they want? The yokai send messages from the depths of forests, the darkness and the far corners of the ocean. Deities are not the only help the Japanese rely upon in times of distress and ...