Abstract expressionist Jackson Pollock's drip paintings may not be entirely abstract. According to new research from UC San Diego psychiatrist Stephen Stahl and colleagues, Pollock likely suffered ...
A new scientific study is challenging long-held beliefs about Jackson Pollock and his iconic “drip paintings,” suggesting that the Abstract Expressionist may have embedded hidden images ...
Stahl, artist Jackson Pollock clearly incorporated images into his pre-drip paintings and repeatedly used the same images in multiple drip paintings, potentially as a result of "extraordinary ...
This exhibition, its title taken from one of Pollock's own statements, celebrates the centenary of his birth, the magnitude of his achievement, and his enduring legacy. Archives of American Art ...
When Pollock’s car careered ... appearing at the opening of an art gallery on the arm of a supernova,” says Gabriel. “If it hadn’t been for Lee Krasner, Jackson would not have been the ...