10 小时
球迷屋 on MSNJJ·雷迪克透露勒布朗·詹姆斯缺阵时卢卡·东契奇的“指令”洛杉矶——洛杉矶湖人队在经历了0胜4负的客场之旅后回到了主场迎战菲尼克斯太阳队,排名也跌至西部联盟第五位。对湖人队卢卡·东契奇已经获准复出,他缺席了球队输给丹佛掘金队的比赛。勒布朗·詹姆斯仍然因腹股沟伤势缺阵,湖人队主教练JJ·雷迪克谈到了东契奇在短 ...
In an attempt to add unpredictability into the Lakers offense, coach JJ Redick is prompting other players to create.
回想去年的此时,JJ 雷迪克正值 NBA 媒体界的一颗新星。他是 ESPN 的首席解说员,与 Mike Breen 和 Doris Burke 一同为观众带来精彩的比赛解说,同时还主持了两档极受欢迎的播客节目。经过 15 个赛季的职业生涯,39 ...
The Los Angeles Lakers have been trying to figure out ways to survive without LeBron James as he's been out for over a week with a left groin strain injury. Ear ...
在一场以123比100战胜掘金队的激烈比赛中,湖人队传奇球员肯定了JJ-雷迪克在比赛中展现出的精彩表现。 周六晚比赛结束后,约習山在社交媒体上发推文,称赞湖人队的胜利,并特别提到雷迪克的关键进球以及卢卡-东契奇等球员在比赛中的出色表现。
2 天
球迷屋 on MSNJJ·雷迪克在湖人对阵掘金后发表的坦率声明周六晚上丹佛掘金队以131-126险胜洛杉矶湖人队,这场比赛一直持续到最后。
Debuting in 2003 with his first album, "Music Voyager," which sold over 1.2 million copies across Asia, JJ quickly made his mark by winning the "Best New Artist" award at the 15th Golden Melody ...
Los Angeles Lakers coach and former NBA player JJ Redick didn't exactly come out in support of the NBA All-Star events held over the past weekend. On Tuesday, Redick gave a very blunt, NSFW answer ...
J.J. Watt isn’t backing down from a bet he made with Burnley goalkeeper James Trafford, even if the NFL legend has to come out of retirement. Trafford and Watt made a bet in December that if the ...
JJ for the Kids cover photo / JJ for the Kids Organization McCarthy and Liljenquist's acts of kindness could literally save lives in these harsh conditions, providing warmth and shelter to those ...