2月9日,埃及复兴电视”(Nahda TV)报道,2024年8月19日,埃及与中国签署了一项协议,埃及已经和中方达成协议,将购买40架第四代半歼-10CE(J-10CE)多用途战机,同时获得配套的机载武器霹雳-15(PL-15E)远程空空导弹和霹雳-10E(PL-10E)近距格斗空空导弹。
在获得了j-10ce战斗机及机载武器系统以后,埃及空军有了强大的空中远程攻击能力,标志着埃及空军拥有了先进的第四代半多用途战斗机,它的防空 ...
据埃及《每日新闻》《复兴电视台》等媒体2月16日报道,埃及采购的中国产歼-10CE(J-10CE)战斗机,首批已经抵达埃及,正在开罗郊外的空军基地进行适应性训练。 2024年8月19日,埃及有多位军事博主在社交媒体上爆料,抵达中国的埃及空军代表团,与中国空军 ...
(原标题:中航成飞:目前主要军贸产品有枭龙飞机、J-10CE飞机,目前两型飞机均已出口巴基斯坦等国家) 同花顺(300033)金融研究中心03月04日 ...
Some of China's top aviation equipment, including the FC-31 stealth fighter jet, the J-10CE fighter jet and the Taihang turbofan engine, are on display at an ongoing defense expo in the UAE ...
(MENAFN- Daily News Egypt) Egypt has received its first batch of J-10CE fighter jets from China, marking a significant shift in the country's air defence strategy and reinforcing its commitment to ...
In a significant development that can increase India's tension, Egypt has received the first batch of J-10CE fighter jets made in China for its Air Force. These fighter jets are equipped with ...
In the latest development, Egypt, an ally of India, has received the first batch of J-10CE fighter jets made in China for its Air Force. The Chinese fighter jets that Egypt has received are ...
He declined to be named and to give further information. CATIC was also promoting the J-10CE, the export-variant of the 4.5-generation multirole combat aircraft, the J-10C. The aircraft is fitted ...
China showcases aviation equipment at UAE expo According to a report by the Global Times, China has sent its FC-31 stealth fighter jet, J-10CE combat plane, and the Taihang turbofan engine ...