These Irish language terms of endearment are sure to make your sweetheart swoon! French may be known as the language of love but we reckon Irish could give it a run for its money. Just like any ...
The Irish Gaelic language is packed with such a plethora of powerful and pleasing words. This St Patrick’s Day, why not grab a Guinness, raid your wardrobe for green garments, and reel off some ...
University of Limerick’s Josh McGiff wants to build AI models specifically for the Irish language in order to preserve and ...
Both fall under the Celtic umbrella. Gaelic is the language of Scotland and was imported from Ireland in the fifth and sixth centuries. Irish, another Celtic language, is spoken in Ireland.
Based in the Republic, the Protestants Against Gaelic Language group is a collection of activists who oppose the “forcing” of Irish and even insist English is the “mother tongue” of Ireland.