A selection of chapters would work equally well as part of a larger neuroscience or psychology course. The book begins with a brief introduction to cognitive neuroscience, which the author wisely ...
Goal 3: Scientific Proficiency Students should demonstrate the knowledge, research expertise, and methodology to become proficient Neuroscience researchers. The following Core courses are required of ...
In practice, however, if you do not know how to program in Matlab, it will be difficult for you to stay up to speed. If you have not taken an introductory neuroscience course (e.g., BME 301 or 401, ...
From neurons to networks. Ion channels, Hodgkin-Huxley framework, simplified models, cable equation, synapses, spike-triggered average and optimal stimulus. Feed-forward and recurrent firing-rate ...
Four courses provide more advanced neuroscience training that builds from a student’s background in the introductory courses BIO 382 Neurobiology with Lab PSY 300 (301) Neuroscience and Behavior (with ...