Sinocyclocheilus xingrenensis, or the Xingren golden-lined fish, has a “golden yellow” body with “slightly translucent white” ...
They also exhibit unique behaviours like swimming backwards and forming symbiotic relationships with other species. The world’s most common fish is almost invisible, while the largest fish in ...
Researchers have rediscovered a rare fish species presumed to be extinct after it was not seen for more than eight decades.
What is a betta fish? Betta fish—also known as Siamese fighting fish—are among the oldest species of domesticated fish. Their scientific name, Betta splendens, combines two languages ...
We look at some of the biggest fish ever caught by anglers around the world. These fish were all caught with a rod-and-reel, ...
The species is widespread and can be found ... and even small mammals such as monkeys and hares. One interesting behavior of the African Fish Eagle is its distinctive call, which is often heard ...
Jonathan Armbruster, professor and curator of fishes in Auburn University's College of Sciences and Mathematics (COSAM), has ...