Earn an IDT Master of Science degree in 30 semester hours! The Master of Science program in Instructional Design and Technology (IDT) prepares students to assess, design, develop, and evaluate ...
The Learning Design and Instructional Technology teams are dedicated to collaborating with you to find innovative solutions for your teaching challenges. Our team is here to help you redesign and ...
a graduate with an online master’s in instructional technology can move into roles such as an instructional designer or technology developer, who helps college and university faculty and those ...
The program focuses on the knowledge and skills of instructional design and using technology tools to improve teaching and learning, especially on the design of online learning and digital ...
Offered entirely online, the UW master’s degree program in learning, design and technology stresses rural access, distance delivery and diverse learning environments, making it possible for you to ...
I am excited at the prospect of using my experience as faculty to help support quality instruction here at UB. My educational background includes Vocational Education, Educational Leadership and ...
The Instructional Design team provides services to help faculty design quality face-to-face and ... I am less than proficient in anything technology-related and the instructional designers are all ...
Navigate here to Raymundo Duron, Learning Management System Support Specialist Raymundo Duron, Learning Management System Support Specialist Ray Duron recently joined Instructional Technology as the ...
This program will support you in integrating technology into instruction and in providing instructional technology and instructional design leadership within your schools and districts.