The scary incident happened as truck driver Josh Keating was driving on a snowy road in Pennsylvania, according to reports A driver has escaped a near-fatal incident after a block of ice shattered ...
Starring Liam Neeson (Really Love, Schindler's List), Ice Road is an action film shot entirely in natural settings in the cold town of Manitoba in Canada. Neeson plays Mike, a truck driver who ...
PLYMOUTH, MASS. (WHDH) - A chunk of ice fell off of a truck and struck the windshields of two vehicles on Route 3 in Plymouth, according to the Massachusetts State Police. Police said they ...
He said Wednesday sunshine and salt trucks helped them make a dent in the road-clearing process, but a cold night shut down work early. TRENDING STORIES: “You have a lot of black ice out there ...
More than 3,000 trucks from the Virginia Department of Transportation ... “Treating snow is different from treating ice,” said Ellen Kamilakis, spokesperson for VDOT. “We’re trying to ...