With sumptuous, fleshy lips and a bulbous, protruding forehead, the humphead wrasse is an unforgettable fish. This enormous, colorful coral-reef dweller is slow to reproduce, making it vulnerable to ...
With sumptuous, fleshy lips and a bulbous, protruding forehead, the humphead wrasse is an unforgettable fish. This enormous, colorful coral-reef dweller is slow to reproduce, making it vulnerable to ...
The humphead wrasse and ramin - a tree found in Asia- may not sound like the world's most desirable species, but they are in fact, among the most wanted internationally. Gland/Switzerland – The ...
In this paper, I review the unique threats afflicting group-spawning species, as well as possible resolutions to these threats. I use the highly endangered humphead wrasse as a case study in the ...