“Haggis is doing really well so far and it is ... provide access to cooling or warming stations, and make sure there is enough environmental enrichment like trees, toys, or climbing structures ...
Moo Deng’s viral celebrity has made the Khao Kheow Open Zoo a popular destination for hippo-gawkers. Don’t rush over to the Edinburgh Zoo, though. You won’t get a chance to see Haggis just yet.
After all, there’s room to be made for Haggis, the latest addition to Scotland’s Edinburgh Zoo and another pygmy hippo who is ready for her close up. Haggis was born to parents Otto and ...
Haggis, meanwhile, is a Scottish dish made from various meats cooked in a sheep’s stomach. Now it’s your turn to vote in this unofficial cuteness competition.
Her name? Haggis. Yes, just like the notorious Scottish dish made of minced sheep’s organs. Haggis, who is a female calf just like Moo Deng, was born to parents Gloria and Otto at the Royal ...
The Royal Zoological Society of Scotland's Edinburgh Zoo announced Monday that their own tiny pygmy hippo, named Haggis, was born Oct. 30 to parents Otto and Gloria. The newborn calf is doing ...