The Hope College campus is a place to come alive. We have hundreds of student organizations, groups and events you can plug into, serve with, play in, root for and grow with. Our student body is at ...
Hope College is a residential college where students live on campus their first three years. Living on campus is an integral part of your Hope College experience. Welcome! We are excited at you have ...
Does this school fit your college needs? Receive a personalized ranking provided by U.S. News College Compass and find out. Try it now ...
Higher Ed uniquely offers guidance from childhood to adulthood. To restore hope in America's college and university system, ...
Earn your bachelor's degree from Hope College and your master's degree from Western Michigan University in just five years! Apply up to 12 undergraduate through a combination of transfer credits and ...
For the West Fresno community that fought for this new campus, the college has come to symbolize hope for future generations like Knight’s children. Eric Payne, executive director of the nonprofit ...
We are thrilled to introduce an exciting opportunity for students at Hope College to fast-track their academic journey through a 4+1 Degree Program Partnership with Western Michigan University’s ...