Beekeepers from across the country are gathering in the midlands this weekend to highlight their concerns around the native ...
It turns out bees are responsible for a lot more than just making honey. In fact, if bees were to disappear, it could lead to ...
Two common gut parasites have been found to alter the behavior and physiology of honeybees in ways that could harm the health ...
Beekeepers in northeastern France were bewildered when their bees produced blue and green honey. The cause was traced to ...
The beekeeping industry has dealt with crippling bee death loss this year, with commercial apiaries losing on average 62% of their bees, while hobbyist beekeepers lost around 50% according to the ...
When we think of domesticated animals, dogs, cats, cattle and horses are the types of animals that come to mind. But ...
Humans are not alone in this preference ... In between visits, bees took the sugar water back to their hive to be made into honey. After bees had learned to associate number (three) and space ...
There is a sense of calm in the courtyard at Platform Arts in Geelong. The sound of passing traffic melts away as the ...
While social honeybees have survived the winter by eating stored honey and huddling together to keep warm, some of their ...
Humans are not alone in this preference ... In between visits, bees took the sugar water back to their hive to be made into honey. After bees had learned to associate number (three) and space ...
Honey bees have proven to be even smarter than previously thought, with new research from Monash University finding that bees order their numbers from left to right, like humans Dr Scarlett Howard ...