Lean hog futures are trading with contracts up $1.47 to $2.60 so far on Monday. The national average base hog negotiated price was reported at $77.62 on Monday morning, down 36 cents from the ...
Lean hogs are a type of futures contract that investors use to speculate on the price of pork. Are futures riskier than options? Understand the risks of futures vs options trading and learn which ...
Varilek doesn’t think so because the numbers will come in dribbles, not waves. Lean hog futures are also higher for a second day following cattle but also seeing some buying due to growing ...
Lean hog futures closed with February up 30 cents and other contracts down 65to 95 cents on the day. The national average base hog negotiated price was reported at $78.51 on Wednesday afternoon ...
Live cattle posted an over 12% gain, while the feeders were up over 17%. Lean hog futures moved around 20% higher for the year. Over the year’s final three months that ended on December 31 ...
The lean hog designation is used when selling futures contracts on pork in the livestock industry. Yes, pork producers can manage risk with lean hog futures contracts by locking in prices.
The Pork Cutout-Lean Hog Spread Lean Hogs and Pork Cutout futures together enable market participants to hedge their swine and pork exposure throughout the supply chain. The spread between the two ...