I'm your host, Kris Hensler. And tonight's film is The Private Life of Henry VIII. And we're joined by our very own Tim Zink. Tim, thanks for stopping by to hang out in the basement screening room.
HENRY VIII: Ah ha! Yes! Go on, big me up! NARRATOR: Perhaps the most famous king in English history. He ruled England for 38 years from 1509 to 1547. Time enough for six marriages and one major ...
On January 24, 1536, the 44-year-old Henry VIII was injured in a jousting accident ... This is the pungent period of life presented in the new historical drama Firebrand, which sets Jude Law ...
This is an as-told-to essay based on a conversation with 24-year-old UK resident David Smith about his career as a Henry VIII impersonator ... the last years of his life, when he ordered the ...
became King Henry VIII. Soon after he obtained the papal dispensation required to allow him to marry his brother's widow, Catherine of Aragon. In the first years of his reign Henry VIII ...
The coronation of Henry VIII and Katherine of Aragon took place on Sunday 24th June 1509. The ceremony is illustrated in the mortuary roll of Abbot Islip dated 1532 in the Abbey's archives. The day ...