This new animated feature from Studio Ghibli, directed by Hayao Miyazaki’s son Goro, shows a new stylistic direction for the studio. Hayao is now completing How Do You Live?, which is presumed ...
Hayao Miyazaki, who had been critical of his previous films but entrusted him with the project. Hayao had criticized his son for jumping into the anime industry to work as a director without ...
Friday saw How Do You Live come out in Japanese cinemas - the latest and ostensibly last film from renowned animation director Hayao Miyazaki ... after aged 47. Miyazaki's son Goro has directed ...
Titled Hayao Miyazaki and the Heron ... which was directed by his son Goro Miyazaki. According to Goro during a talk at the Ghibli museum earlier this year, his father isn't done yet – and ...
Miyazaki himself has yet to comment. However, his son, Goro Miyazaki, has teased what we can expect from Hayao’s next movie. According to Goro, the next movie is “looking like an action ...
“Hayao Miyazaki and the Heron" is a remarkable exploration of artistry, mortality and resilience. Directed by Kaku Arakawa, it chronicles Hayao Miyazaki’s six-year journey crafting what may be ...