Sakamoto Days is an upcoming Netflix anime based ... Ayane Sakura (Lu Shaotang), Nao Toyama (Aoi Sakamoto), Hina Kino (Hana Sakamoto), and Ryota Suzuki (Heisuke Mashimo). Take a look at the ...
Sakamoto Days OTT release date is set ... Shimazaki (Shin Asakura), Nao Toyama (Aoi Sakamoto), and Hina Kino (Hana Sakamoto) are the main voices in the Japanese voice cast. TMS Entertainment ...
Sakamoto Days chapter 192 comes out in ... As Tenkyu began choking Atari, Shin realized Tenkyu would harm anyone, including Aoi or Hana. Determining that some people could not be allowed to ...
Five of the six women's entrants are from Japan, with Hana Yoshida sitting third on 64.23 and Sakamoto next on 63.98, 6.06 points behind Glenn, at the event in Grenoble, France. During the second ...