为探究 HIV-1 基因组中 ARF 的情况,巴黎萨克雷大学等机构研究人员开展相关研究。他们发现 98 个 ARF,部分编码多肽引发 T 细胞反应。该成果为 HIV 疫苗设计提供新靶点,强烈推荐科研读者阅读。
“我们首次在接近生理浓度(毫摩尔级别)的镁离子环境下,直接观察到 RNA 分子的动态行为,完全颠覆了对 RNA 的传统认知。”美国国家癌症研究所王运星教授表示。他所提到的,是其团队近期在 Nature 同一期连续发表两篇“背靠背”论文中的研究结果 ...
A team of researchers from the University of Florida has developed an innovative handheld device for human immunodeficiency ...
为解决 HIV 病毒库动态变化及病毒持续存在机制的问题,加州大学洛杉矶分校研究人员开展条形码标记 HIV-1 的研究。结果揭示病毒库复杂动态及增殖细胞克隆作用。该研究为攻克 HIV 治疗难题提供关键见解,强烈推荐科研读者阅读。
第一个成功的治愈案例是蒂莫西·雷·布朗,被称为“柏林患者”。2006年,他因急性髓性白血病接受了两次干细胞移植。柏林查理特医院的肿瘤学专家Gero Hütter博士提出使用带有CCR5-delta32突变的供体干细胞,这种突变可以阻止大多数HIV病毒进入细胞。
There are three major commercial methods that are approved by the U.S. FDA for the measurement of HIV-1 viral RNA load in plasma. They are the Amplicor Monitor™ by Roche Diagnostics Systems, ...
To study pathogenesis and develop vaccines, it would be desirable to use infectious HIV and SIV clones derived from plasma viral RNA, which is more representative of the replicating virus pool ...
A team of scientists at the Helmholtz Institute for RNA-based Infection Research (HIRI) in Würzburg and the University of Regensburg has unveiled insights into how HIV-1, the virus responsible ...
Pseudoscience has recently re-emerged in the U.S. While much of it concerns vaccines, an "oldie" is again making the rounds: HIV is neither the cause nor the sole cause of AIDS. This nonsense has been ...