IF YOU’RE LOOKING for a style of workout that will push you to your limits without needing to exercise for hours, you only need to understand one four-letter acronym: HIIT. The term stands for ...
Getty Images What Is HIIT? High-intensity interval training — referred to as HIIT — is based on the idea that short bursts of strenuous exercise can be effective. HIIT packs the benefits of ...
When you picture the typical high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout, a handful of go-to exercises likely come to mind: burpees, squats, lunges, mountain climbers, jumping rope ...
Crank up the speed and go all-out for some sprints, mess with the incline to power through hill climbs, or get bold and throw in walking lunges to create a spicy HIIT session. These seven ...
Sprint interval training is most effective for weight loss, researchers suggest Bursts of high intensity interval training (Hiit) may be more effective for weight loss than longer less intense ...