在技术飞速发展的今天,新兴的航空电子、关键基础设施和汽车应用正在重新定义人们对现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)的期望。FPGA之前主要依靠闪存来存储配置位流。这种方法适用于许多主流FPGA配置应用;然而,随着技术的进步以及对更高可靠性和性能的需求增加,人 ...
Despite the good efforts of the design community to espouse design-for-reuse as the Holy Grail, what many engineers – including thousands of FPGA designers like you worldwide – do in reality is ...
FPGA Advantage By David Larner, Embedded Systems November 1, 2001 (9:00 a.m. EST) URL: http://www.eetimes.com/story/OEG20011101S0018 Mentor Graphics introduced v5.2 ...
MathWorks offers a tool suite that enhances AI and wireless development, particularly for Altera FPGAs. Its Deep Learning HDL ...
全球领先的数学计算软件开发商 MathWorks 今天宣布 ,与英特尔旗下公司 Altera ® 将通力协作,通过支持无线系统工程师使用基于 AI 的自编码器来压缩信道状态信息(CSI)数据并显著降低前传流量和带宽要求,共同加速 Altera FPGA 的无线开发。从事 5G 和 6G 无线通信系统的工程师现可以在降低成本的同时,确保用户数据的完整性,并维持无线通信系统的可靠性和性能标准。
You will learn the history of both VHDL and Verilog and how to use them for design entry and verification with FPGAs and ASICs. You will use current HDL software tools for FPGA development, and ...
They’re doing it with an FPGA, with homebrew robot arms to twist and turn a rainbow cube into the correct position. First, the mechanical portion of the build. The team are using a system of ...