The first Transformers comic was produced by Marvel between 1984 and 1991, and these new Shockwave and Grimlock figures come straight out of its pages. The year 1984 was certainly special for ...
Grimlock's history with the Autobots is ... Appearing first in the G1 Transformers cartoon, Inferno was a fan favorite for his bright red fire truck design, where his hose switched to a mounted ...
Speaking of scenes, like Robosen's other Transformers products, Grimlock comes with a wide ... It's like having an after-school cartoon scene play out right in front of you. Once you get tired ...
However, the original Transformers cartoon series made Grimlock and his team of Dinobots (Slag, Sludge, Snarl, and Swoop) into rowdy anti-hero types, whose signature primitive dialect and ...