Record ocean heat has taken a devastating toll on one of the world’s greatest natural wonders, with coral bleaching on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef reaching “catastrophic” levels ...
A school gives touch rugby a try. Peace talks. Storm damage from trees in Leitrim. Solar power in South East Asia. And a baby elephant!
Scientists are using AI and remote sensing to create a real-time coral reef monitoring system, improving conservation through ...
During the past two years, Australia's iconic Great Barrier Reef suffered its largest die-off ever recorded -- with an average of 67 percent of corals in one area declared dead, scientists said on ...
Even if the Great Barrier Reef is someday covered in coral once ... being damaged by warming sea temperatures and subsequent coral bleaching. Is it possible for these sea creatures to survive ...
James Gilmour , Karen MillerObservations from scientists, civil society organisations and communities in the Pilbara and ...
Satellite imagery reveals huge amounts of floodwater heading into the ocean and towards parts of the Great Barrier Reef ahead ...
Experts say the growing commercial trade in wild, threatened species like corals is unacceptable and irresponsible.
Coral reefs worldwide are dying at an alarming rate, with 75 percent of reefs experiencing bleaching-level heat stress in the past two years. The World Heritage-listed Great Barrier Reef (GBR), ...
The Great Barrier Reef is renowned for its stunning biodiversity and crystal-clear waters. However, it faces challenges like climate change and coral bleaching, threatening its delicate ecosystem.
A new study of the Great Barrier Reef has revealed that the network of no-take marine reserves supplies nearly half of the region's coral trout fishery catch. A new study of the Great Barrier Reef ...
Young Coral Use Metabolic Tricks to Resist Bleaching Nov ... undocumented variation in coral heat tolerance on the Great Barrier Reef, giving hope that corals' own genetic resources may hold ...