In the current Batman ongoing comic book series published by DC Comics, we have seen Edward Nygma, the Riddler, yet again, try and paint himself as a reformed supervillain, as a Gotham tech bro ...
Well, after this issue it's clear that both Star and the Court of Owls have bigger and more deadly plans than even Edward Nygma realised. Batman stands in front of a burning Gotham City.
However, the event changed Bruce Wayne’s perspective on a lot of things – including how to affect change in Gotham. In Batman #153 Nygma is a free man after it was revealed that he was the ...
Edward Nygma (The Riddler ... Now that he had that, Gotham's mayor under his thumb, and Owl henchmen, Nygma could go forward with his next course of action. Unfortunately for him, Leonid Kull ...