supporting the cisternal maturation model of protein movement through the Golgi apparatus. However, there is clearly much left to discover about the Golgi. Alberts, B. et al. Molecular Biology of ...
In studies performed on a human lymphoma xenograft mouse model, human CD19 CAR-T cells sorted for high Golgi content or for higher levels of H 2 S via CBS overexpression, significantly prolonged ...
The Golgi apparatus modifies, sorts and packages proteins to be sent to their final destinations, whether that's within or outside of the cell. It's a core function, but little studied in the ...
The Golgi apparatus modifies, sorts, and packages proteins to be sent to their final destinations, whether within or outside the cell. It is a core function but little studied in cancer immunology ...
Researchers investigating ways to reduce exhaustion in cancer-fighting T-cells found that the Golgi apparatus can be used as a simple marker -- more Golgi means a more robust cell. The Golgi ...