Japan’s beloved former Emperor Akihito marked his 91st birthday on Monday, as he continues to pursue his lifetime research ...
Workers at the Hiramatsu Seafoods Company factory in the city of Toyokawa, Aichi Prefecture, are busy making sweet simmered ...
Japan's former Emperor Akihito celebrates his 91st birthday, focusing on his research into goby fish and caring for his wife.
Akihito also continues to actively research the classification of Japanese freshwater goby fish at a palace laboratory and ...
Emperor Emeritus Akihito has discovered two new species of goby fish, the Imperial Household Agency announced on June 24. It marks his first discoveries of new types of fish since 2003 and his ...
TOKYO (AP) — Japan’s beloved former Emperor Akihito marked his 91st birthday on Monday, as he continues to pursue his lifetime research into goby fish, care for his wife and pray for peace.