If you get pulled over for speeding, the first thing the cop will ask you is ... That means doing away with a couple of phrases that may be top of mind when a police officer steps up to your car. Do ...
In a recent video, she shared four questions to be wary of in the event you get pulled over by the police. If you get pulled over for speeding, this will likely be the first question out of the ...
you won't be getting pulled over. Instead, flashing yellow lights have multiple meanings; when you see them, you should proceed with caution. Police often do things we don't understand ...
The Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign begins Dec. 13 and runs through New Year's Day. With the holiday season approaching and celebrations in the works, drivers are urged to plan for a sober ...
A 2-year-old in Prince William County, Virginia, was just trying to enjoy his brand-new Christmas present when a police officer showed up and pulled him over ... as if he’s getting too much ...
“Drive sober or get pulled over” and “Drive high get a DUI” are two catchy phrases law enforcement officers hope everyone will remember. “Anytime that NHTSA has these enforcement or safety campaigns ...
CADILLAC - Michigan State Police’s Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign has been underway for more than a month, and troopers in Northern Michigan are calling it a success so far. Trooper ...
CLEARWATER, Fla. - A Clearwater Police officer and five people were injured in a drunk driving crash on the eve of the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration's Holiday Drive Sober ...