France, by sea and air, to liberate Western Europe from Nazi Germany. The D-Day invasion took place on June 6, 1944, nearly a year before Germany unconditionally surrendered during World War II.
With Nazi Germany expanding its territories in Europe, Britain, France and Germany ... in history comes to an end. WW2: How was D-Day, the biggest ever seaborne invasion, launched?
World War II begins. May: As Germany marches into Belgium ... May 30: The Allied invasion of France commences; troops based in England begin their mobilization to cross the Channel, in a massive ...
and Americans landed on the Normandy beaches to open a second ground front against Nazi Germany. Operation Overlord — the Allied invasion of Western Europe — proved the largest amphibious ...
World War II begins. Germany captures Paris ... to maintain weapons and aircraft production levels. The Allied invasion of France commences; troops based in England begin their mobilization ...