Whether you're a novice to growing perennial geraniums or have an area in your garden dedicated to them, you likely will want to grow more of these easy-to-care-for plants. Consider propagating ...
Its beautiful, toothed leaves and many pink flowers light up landscapes throughout the year. And as a bonus, I find them ...
Geraniums can be planted at any time of year, as long as the ground isn’t frozen. However, the widest selection of varieties will be available to buy in spring. Plant in well-drained soil. Water them ...
If lights aren’t available, a very sunny window can work. For more tips on growing your own seedlings, here’s a video in which I describe techniques: How to Start Your Own Flower and Vegetable ...
Nicole M. A: I’m happy your geraniums are doing well. The goal is to have geranium plants just the right size and in prime condition by mid-May to go back outdoors in pots and planters.
Another way of making a small space feel larger is to plant lots of the same plant. This means the eye travels smoothly ...