PUBG MOBILE, one of the world’s most popular mobile games, is proud to announce its Ramadan Community Iftar event in Lagos, ...
近日,经典战术竞技类游戏《绝地求生(PUBG)》再度掀起热潮。根据Steam平台官方数据显示,该作在今日迎来了134万的同时在线玩家峰值,创下自2018年7月以来的最高纪录。这一数据不仅标志着游戏热度全面回温,也让PUBG一举攀升至Steam全平台同 ...
NOVA Esports, a prominent name in the competitive mobile gaming scene, has etched its mark in the annals of Peacekeeper Elite (PEL), the Chinese version of PUBG Mobile. Intertwined with triumphs and .