The PC system requirements for Indiana Jones and the Great Circle reveal that the game requires hardware-accelerated ray ...
在全球游戏和图形处理领域,英伟达的显卡一直处于领先地位。而近年来,RTX系列显卡的推出进一步拉开了与老款GTX系列之间的差距。那么,RTX显卡究竟在哪里超越了GTX?本文将深入剖析RTX显卡的核心技术优势,并探讨其如何重塑用户体验。 首先,RTX显卡引入了实时光追技术(Ray Tracing),这一革命性技术使得游戏场景中的光影效果更加真实。光追技术能够模拟光的传播方式,使得光源与对象之间的互动更 ...
You're going to need seriously powerful gaming PC specs, with a ray tracing GPU and a big SSD to handle this new Indiana ...
总体来看,英伟达的RTX显卡凭借实时光线追踪、DLSS技术、更强的硬件加速能力以及在VR/AR等新兴领域的应用优势,成为DIY电脑爱好者的首选。虽然GTX系列显卡在性价比方面依然有其受众,但面对日益提升的游戏和计算需求,RTX系列显卡无疑将主导未来市场。无论是游戏发烧友还是专业创作者,选择RTX显卡将意味着更为优秀的使用体验和无限的创造可能。 返回搜狐,查看更多 ...
The upcoming Indiana Jones and the Great Circle is releasing on December 9, but you'll need a specific GPU to play it at max ...
The system requirements for Indiana Jones and the Great Circle have just dropped, and in the words of ever-prescient Short ...
Other specs include an Intel Core i7-10700K or Ryzen 5 3600 processor, 16GB of RAM, and 120GB of solid state drive (SSD) ...
While the CPU requirements remain the same, the min GPU needed is a GeForce GTX 4070 GPU. Ultra Ray Tracing will require a ...