近年来,车坛一直处于风云变幻的状态,但有一款车却一直是许多人心中无法磨灭的存在,那就是日产GT-R R35。曾几何时,它被车迷们亲切地称为“东瀛战神”,霸气外露、性能无敌,横扫赛道与公路,成为无数车迷的梦中情车。然而,近期却传来了一个令人震惊的消息— ...
近日,日产汽车官方宣布,其传奇跑车GTR R35即将停产。这一消息在汽车界引起了广泛关注,无数车迷和收藏家纷纷表示惋惜和不舍。GTR R35自2007年发布以来,便以其卓越的性能和独特的魅力征服了无数车迷的心。作为日产旗下的高性能跑车代表,GTR ...
The Nissan GT-R R35 is officially dead. Nissan stopped taking orders in Japan and hasn't been in the market in the US since ...
That’s all, folks. According to a statement from Japan, the gearheads at Nissan have officially put the mighty GT-R to bed.
For 2014, the R35 GT-R was fettled again but while no more power was on the menu, new front and rear lights modernised the GT-R’s look for its sixth year on sale. In 2017 Nissan gave the R35 GT ...