It included graphics enhancements ... as well as plans to bring the much-requested PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S features of GTA Online to the PC platform in the new year," said Rockstar ...
【本文由小黑盒作者@等等瑶瑶于11月25日发布,转载请标明出处!】 R星近日的新闻稿中,官方正式宣布PC版《GTA Online》将于2025年上线次世代主机功能。 次世代版是什么意思? 次世代版游戏是指专门为新一代游戏主机(如 ...
The map in GTA V may just be as large as in previous versions, but now wherever a character goes, the details are refined and the graphics smooth. Players can also juggle three characters - and a ...