近日,国家环境部正式认证了2025款宝马M240i xDrive四驱版车型,确认其满足国六b排放标准,为国内上牌扫清了障碍。这一消息标志着,宝马M系列中的 ...
Our buying guide this week is on the G42 BMW M240i xDrive, announced in 2021 as the replacement for the 2015-on F22 M240i and launched in the UK in March 2022. This pocket battleship coupe was an ...
1月31日消息,国家环境部认证文件显示,2025款宝马M240i xDrive四驱版车型已通过国6b排放认证,满足国内上牌要求。该车已于2024年12月底在海外投产 ...
按照宝马的计划,M240i xDrive即将于年内进入中国市场。随着上市时间的临近,这款车型的动力输出也被曝光。 在工信部网站上,宝马M240i xDrive动力 ...
The M240i xDrive is not a trackday car. It’s not even a full-blown M division car. The cynical might call it a marketing exercise. However, just a couple of laps of Bedford Autodrome shatter ...
Thankfully, a BMW tuner who goes by 1StockF30 on YouTube did just that when his heavily tuned G42-gen M240i hit the wall during a quarter-mile run on the track. First, I want to applaud this ...
Unlike their predecessors, the M140i and M240i will be available in four wheel drive. And, they accelerate even faster still. The xDrive four wheel drive models are only available with the 8 speed ...