2025年2月18日,FTX首轮债权人赔付正式启动,标志着这场持续两年的破产清算迈入关键阶段。然而,市场目光却聚焦于另一潜在风险:3月1日 ...
两年多前破产的加密交易所FTX,开始向债权人赔付。 路透社报道,清算公司星期二(2月18日)在一份声明中指出,顾客应在一到三个工作日内开始收到资金。对债权人的下一次赔付预计于4月11日以及5月30日进行。据彭博社报道,首次赔付将通过加密货币公司BitGo ...
Get the latest news on FTX! FTX was a major crypto exchange founded by Sam Bankman-Fried and Gary Wang in 2019. Its native (FTT) token served multiple roles within the FTX ecosystem, such as ...
In November 2022, an article revealed that FTX was co-mingling customer funds with Alameda Research, a crypto hedge fund also run by SBF. Binance, the largest crypto exchange, began liquidating ...