KiteKRAFT is the new company out of Germany that has just completed successful testing of its flying wind turbine. It’s a real kite, although it can also be likened to a glider with “propellers” ...
At the moment, Senior Researcher Tuhfe Göçmen is working with data on bats. She is developing algorithms for controlling ...
Wind farms aren’t just taking a toll on flying wildlife. The construction and presence of these structures can change entire ecosystems. When installing a wind farm, vast tracts of land are cleared.
We might be seeing wind turbines in the skies instead of fields ... They'll also be able to provide weather data to communities. The flying turbine transfers the energy through cables that tether ...
There’s an environmental downside to wind farming and that’s the number of wildlife fatalities ... They are particularly at risk of collisions with turbines because their eyes are focused downwards ...