Until recently there were only two species of flying squirrels in North America. But the Northern and Southern species have been getting cozy and are interbreeding. WSJ’s Angus Loten reports.
A furred membrane (patagium) extending between the wrists of the front feet and the ankles of the hind feet distinguish both species of flying squirrels inhabiting the Adirondacks. Flying squirrels ...
Apart from these differences, and larger size, the northern flying squirrel resembles the southern. Adults are 250-298 mm (10-11.7 in) in total length, and weigh 75-125 g (2.6-4.4 oz). The range is ...
There are red squirrels, gray squirrels, even flying squirrels on Wikipedia. We'd propose another category: College Squirrel. Tiny, tough and used to the noise and chaos of students, College Squirrel ...
They're not called the “ninja of the forest” for nothing. When night falls, the Siberian flying squirrel glides through the air from tree to tree in the forests of Hokkaido. But when the ...