课程介绍:学习一种新的软件的最好办法就是跟着教程一步一步的学习各种不同的功能。这些软件使用教程都是斯运伯恩大学的教师们通过多媒体软件手把手地教大家学习,包括Flash等。 【第88集】1-88 Animating with Timer Event ...
课程介绍:学习一种新的软件的最好办法就是跟着教程一步一步的学习各种不同的功能。这些软件使用教程都是斯运伯恩大学的教师们通过多媒体软件手把手地教大家学习,包括Flash等。 【第88集】1-88 Animating with Timer Event ...
Animating in Flash requires certain understanding of motion and a lot of patience. Figuring out how the animation will work is not so hard, but achieving the desirable result is usually painstaking.
In order to work effectively in Flash you need to be able to perform some very basic actions like align, resize, snap, inspect properties, and use panels. Here is a short tutorial, LAYOUT TOOLS, taken ...