Fighting female fruit flies, like the ones shown in this video, are helping researchers understand why we stay angry. Fruit flies, like humans, experience states of persistent aggression.
Female fruit flies can lay up to 500 eggs at a time and repeat every day for up to 20 days. The first step to take is to find and remove their breeding source, such as fermented or rotten food.
You know how you never see just one fruit fly? That's because they have incredibly fast life cycles. A single female fruit fly can lay up to 100 eggs a day, which hatch in less than 24 hours.
Case Western Reserve researchers have pinpointed a gene and brain circuitry responsible for the fruit-fly version of speed dating. In a study featured in PLOS Biology, a team led by Rui Sutton De ...
This happens when the female fruit fly lays eggs inside of the fruit, and the eggs then hatch onto maggots that go through the flesh. "Decay organisms enter, leaving the interior of the fruit a ...
According to the California Department of Food and Agriculture, female fruit flies lay eggs inside the fruit. Once the eggs hatch into maggots, the maggots travel through the fruit, making it ...
Scientists say they have created "virgin births" in female fruit flies for the first time. Researchers were able to identify a gene that allowed the insects to reproduce without sperm from a father.